On the N900...
- Install SSH server
- Configure password for user account
- Go to X Terminal and become root
- Enter the command: passwd user
- Enter new password when prompted
On Windows...
- Download and install Filezilla client
- Run the Filezilla client
- Go to File -> Site Manager
- Create a new called "N900" with the following settings:
- Host: Your N900's IP address
- Server Type: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
- Login Type: Normal
- User: user
- Password: Your user account's password
Optionally, under the N900 site configuration, you can create a "Camera" bookmark which allows to sychronously view the DCIM directory on the N900 and the desired directory on your PC.
Now select the N900 site and hit Connect. You will see something similar to the following:
You can now transfer files between the N900 and your PC simply by dragging and dropping.
To go straight to the DCIM folder on the N900, you can select the bookmark that you have previously created.
As you can see, the local site (left) automatically changed the directory to the one that you configured before. And the remote site (right) jumped to the DCIM folder.